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57: Getting Fit

The pandemic slowly seems to be contained, time to go out and get fit again! At least, we have been home much which didn’t always treat us right. In this episode we talk about what we do to get fit and how much it hurts!

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56: Fonts and Icons

You have your app idea; you got a picture of the design, even found that gradient. But don’t stop there. What about your fonts and icons? In this episode, we talk about fonts, icons, where you can get them and what to look out for.

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55: Microsoft Build 2021

Microsoft Build has traditionally been the place where all new shiny things for developers get announced. And while this year’s edition was a bit more Azure heavy, we still managed to find a few nuggets of information that we’d love to share.

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54: Documentation

Documenting what you’re building is one of those things that isn’t every developers favorite activity. However, doing so helps everyone from yourself to the people who might take over your project in the future. Today we talk about why that is and what you can do to help people.

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53: What's Up With UWP

Universal Windows Platform (or UWP) is an interesting platform with a lot of potential. Yet, for some reason it doesn’t really take off, at least not for cross-platform developers. In this episode we talk about what is up with UWP, a bit of history, some hopes for the future… It’s all in here and more!

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