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28: ARM-based Devices/Apple M1

With the Apple M1 chip coming out in their latest line of Macs, all focus is back on ARM. This non-compatible competitor of Intel is blowing everyone away with power efficiency as well as speed. Could this be the final blow for Intel? And are we getting some new hardware ourselves anytime soon?

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27: Staying up to date

Staying up to date in our ever changing techworld is no small feat. It may even feel a bit overwhelming at times. In this episode we discuss how we like to stay informed while trying to miss out on purpose. How we do it? Well you will have to tune in to this weeks episode.

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26: Monitoring and Logging

Getting insights into how your application is doing once it’s out in the wild is essential if you want to act on problems quickly. That’s where logging and monitoring comes into play! Tune in to this weeks episode to learn more.

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25: Xamarin.Forms 5

Xamarin.Forms 5 is announced to be the last major version of Forms in its current form. From here on out, it will evolve into the .NET framework and continue to bring us joy that way. But, what is actually in the Forms 5 package? What can we look forward to? Find out in this episode!

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24: Testing your apps

In this episode, we are discussing what approaches you can take to test your hard coded work. From TDD to BDD, we discuss a few of the common Acronym Driven Development approaches and what benefits you want to expect when writing automated code.

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23: WebAssembly and Blazor

In this episode, we are talking about WebAssembly and a bit more specifically about Blazor as well. With this hot new technology, you can get rid of JavaScript and just write C# that runs everywhere. Frontend, backend, topend, bottomend, happy end! Oh, and by the way… Did you decide on a new iPhone yet?

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