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50: Null Pointers Origin Story

Hooray! Episode 50! Normal people would probably wait until 52, but we like round numbers, deal with it. For this special episode we talk all about our experience so far. What do we love, what do we hate and how do we do it.

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49: Authentication

Authenticating a user is often more than meets the user’s eye. In this episode, we discuss the challenges, options and our experiences with said topic. We dive into some OAuth, do our best to pronounce Auth0 and discover the passcode to Geralds top-secret studio vault.

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47: Object Relational Mappers (ORMs)

Tune in while we talk all about object relational mappers. OK, mostly Entity Framework because of the .NET developers we are. But also we touch on Dapper, document databases, our migration nightmares and even Steven and Gerald’s mothers… Now if that doesn’t convince you to listen I don’t know what will!

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45: Privacy In Apps

Apps process data. A lot of data. But how do apps ensure that that data isn’t shared with people that you don’t want to share it with? That’s what we’re diving into today.

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