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45: Privacy In Apps

Apps process data. A lot of data. But how do apps ensure that that data isn’t shared with people that you don’t want to share it with? That’s what we’re diving into today.

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44: Low cost websites

So it is 2021, and creating a website and running a website can still cost you a small fortune. Do you really need a web server, database and whatnot for a simple blog? In this episode, we discuss static websites and how you can use them on a budget to create websites for big and small demands. So tune in and enjoy the opinions and stories.

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42: .NET 6 Preview 1

The recently released .NET 6 Preview 1 comes with a lot of new bits and bobs. We will use this pod to go over them and see what’s useful for us and what isn’t. Also, hairdressers are a booming topic right now.

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41: Being Productive

A question we get asked is: how do you have time to do all these things?! Spoiler alert: we have no clue! But we have opinions, tips, pointers (get it…?) and bad jokes, so we’re going to talk about how to be productive and not get distrac… Is that a unicorn?!

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